An analogy about Satan and his “Perceived” power.

It’s easy to look at the world today and think the Devil, Satan, has great power in and over our lives, but I assure you he does not and he is not nearly as powerful as he gets credit for. In fact, he only has as much power as God allows him to have and he absolutely has NO control over anyone’s fate, not even his own.

To illustrate this, imagine a butterfly trapped between two panes of glass of a window and a bird on the outside is trying to eat the butterfly. Naturally, the butterfly is scared and keeps trying to fly away but cannot because he is trapped between the two panes of glass. The butterfly, not realizing that the bird, no matter how hard he tries, cannot get to the butterfly because of the invisible pane of glass between him and the bird.

In this analogy, the bird represents Satan, the butterfly represents us (Believers – Christians), and the panes of glass represent Jesus. We cannot physically see Jesus, but he really is there protecting us from Satan and nothing will be able to get past Jesus to hurt us. No matter how hard he tries, Satan CANNOT get to us even though it looks like he can, however, if we let him, he can scare us, he can intimidate us, and he can make us think he can control our lives, but he just doesn’t have the power.

We need to trust in Jesus, even though we cannot see him, because he will protect us from Satan and all evil forces. Like the bird, Satan believes if he tries hard enough eventually he will get the “butterfly,” aka: us, however, Jesus is stronger. He is like shatter proof glass that CANNOT break. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39)

Satan believes, or at least wants us to believe, he has immense power. Deep down he knows he doesn’t really have the power to hurt even one hair on your head, but he refuses to accept that truth. For if he accepts it, he will have to accept defeat but he will never surrender even though he has already lost. God allows Satan to roam the earth, but only for a while, until the time comes that He will destroy him once and for all.

Once we realize this and understand that Satan doesn’t have any power over us, no matter how convincing he is, he then loses his “perceived” grip on us and we see how powerless he really is. After we see his powerlessness, he becomes MUCH less scary; we can see him as the SCARED little fallen Angel he is. Then we will truly see that he has NO power over us at all; We can actually laugh because he has no control at all.

Satan’s fate is sealed, he will forever be separated from God, there is no redeeming salvation for him. However, that is not the case for us, we have Hope, there is redeeming salvation for us in Jesus Christ. Salvation in that, Jesus took the penalty of death for the sins of the world, upon him so that whoever believes (Trusts) in him will have eternal life.

We are only trapped in this sinful world for a time, until Jesus returns on judgement day. This will be a glorious day for believers, it will be the day when evil is finally destroyed for good and we will start eternity with our Heavenly Father! So do not be afraid of Satan for he has already lost, whether he knows it or not. Just remember our life on earth is only temporary, this is not our final destination; our home is in heaven with Jesus and there is nothing Satan can do that will change that.

2 thoughts on “An analogy about Satan and his “Perceived” power.”

  1. As it was recognized amongst several of the scriptures, Satan will continue with his attempts each and every which way to convince you of his wrong paths. Our Lord needs to be present, glorified, and praised greatly each day, cause Satan is around every corner but will have no power as long as we have Jesus in our hearts.

  2. This is so true, fear is fruitless.
    I finely understand what the Armed of God is: Its the knowledge of the Bible and all it’s scripturse. Not to many people have the ability to memorize the whole Bible, but if we have been spending time with Jesus in the word, we have his armer as he walks through life with us.

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