How Big Is God?

Perspective is key! As humans, most of the time we probably feel pretty big, especially when compared to an ant or most bugs, even small babies are big to an ant. However, when a person, even the tallest person ever recorded (8’ 11.1”), is compared to say, The Grand Canyon, is pretty small in comparison. Looking at The Grand Canyon there is no doubt it is Huge in comparison to humans, and even most, if not all, animals. But compared to the whole Earth, the Grand Canyon is actually quite small.

One would conclude that the Earth is very Big when compared to The Grand Canyon and especially when compared to a human, but when compared to other planets, like Jupiter, for example, the Earth is tiny. The diameter of the Earth is 3,958.8 miles and Jupiter is 43,441 miles in diameter, almost 11 times bigger than the Earth. Now, compare Jupiter to the Sun which is 432,690 miles in diameter, nearly 10 times larger than Jupiter and 109 times larger than the Earth. Wow, that is big, right? Well, it is but not when you compare the sun to another star in outer space, a red supergiant (the term for really big stars), Stephenson 2-18 (St2-18) for example. In case your mind is not totally blown yet, let’s look at St2-18 compared to our sun; at about 2,150 solar radii (1.50 x 109 kilometers), which would correspond to about 10 billion times the size of our sun. Wow, I don’t know about you, but I am not even sure I can really comprehend these big numbers, but I am pretty sure our Sun would be like a spec of dirt, or more likely even smaller, in comparison to this red supergiant, St2-18 and humans are immeasurable in comparison. If that doesn’t make you feel small and blow your mind, I don’t know what will.

Where am I going with all of this? As big as all these planets and stars are, and there are more out there that we don’t know about and can even see, God measures all of them, and the whole universe (heavens) by a span (width) of his hand: “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, Measured heaven with a span.” (Isiah 40:12). Wow, God measures it by the width of his hand? My only word to that is WOW, because I cannot truly understand or comprehend how BIG God is to essentially hold the whole universe, including heaven in his hand.

So how big is God? Incomprehensible if you ask me. But as big as God is, he still loves us and desires a personal relationship with us, humans, his creation. Even though we failed him initially in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed Him by eating of the fruit He commanded them not to eat from and we continue to fail and disobey him even now; don’t believe me, just watch the news for a few minutes. However, God still desires a relationship with us and doesn’t want anyone to perish and spend eternity without him in hell; he still loves us so much that he squeezed his deity into a man, Jesus, who was born as a baby, to the virgin Mary and lived among us, then He died on a cross to bear the punishment due us, for our sins, for the wages of sin is death” (Romans 3:23). But it didn’t end there, on the third day, he rose from the dead and concurred sin and death so anyone who believes in Him will have eternal life with Him in Heaven forever. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (Romans 10:9).

Why did God do this? I don’t really know other than to say Love, “greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13), Jesus is our friend and He loves us so much that He died to save us. I really don’t understand why he loves us so much; humanity tends to be very unlovable, especially compared to a Righteous God who is Love. It’s a good thing I am not God, because if I created something that betrayed me and continually refused to worship me as its creator, I would probably scrap it and start over, but God didn’t do that with his creation, instead he made a way for us to be restored (reconciled) to him; he took the punishment we deserve, he took our place and died for us so we can have a relationship with him. All you have to do is believe and trust in Him.

1 thought on “How Big Is God?”

  1. Love it! Regardless our size…God presented himself as equal with Jesus, and Jesus saved us all. We can only share the word and pray others can see our world creation as well, and we all get to glorify God for everlasting love in His kingdom.

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